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Cykl "Modernizm w Europie - modernizm w Gdyni"

Nr 2/3 EN "20th Century Architecture until the 1960s and Its Preservation"

fot. D. Linkowski

fot. D. Linkowski

Grafika przedstawiająca okładkę łączonego wydania tomów 2 i 3 serii "Modernizm w Europie - modernizm w Gdyni" - na niebieski tle tytuł książki oraz zdjęcie danwego dworca żeglugi przybrzeżnej w GdyniPoniżej zamieszczamy angielskojęzyczne łączone wydanie tomów 2 i 3 serii "Modernizm w Europie - modernizm w Gdyni" pt. "Architektura XX w. do lat 60. i jej ochrona".
Artykuły są dostępne on-line - wystarczy kliknąć w wybraną pozycję w spisie treści, aby otworzyć plik w formacie .pdf.

Below we present the joint English-language edition of volumes 2 and 3 of the series "Modernism in Europe - Modernism in Gdynia" entitled "Architecture of the 20th century to the 1960s and its protection".
The articles are available on-line - just click on the selected item in the table of contents to open the .pdf file.


title pages, editorial page, introduction, table of contents, "Gdynia's Modernism Between the World Wars. The Stylistic Face of the Epoch", "The Conservation and Preservation of Gdynia's Modernist Architecture"


1. Eritrea and Dilemma of Modernism Beyond the West
Edward Denison

2. A New Heart for a New Nation. Nation Building and Cultural Transfer in Kemalist Ankara in the 1920s and 1930s
Bernd Nicolai

3. The Multiple Faces of: Inspiration, Domination and Identity - African Bites of Modernism
Barbara P. Jekot

4. Swedish Modernist Architecture and the Critical Antithesis of History
Johan Mårtelius

5. Modern Poland in the Borderlands: Public Architecture of the 1930s in the North-Eastern Areas of the Second Republic of Poland
Małgorzta Dolistowska

6. Sacral Architecture in the Interwar Volhynia: Tradition and Modernity
Petro Rychkov

7. Modern Interpretations of the Principle of Type and Repeatability in the Work of Warsaw Architects in the Period Between the World Wars
Jadwiga Roguska

8. Housing Estate Exhibitions in Interwar Poland: Genesis, History, and Transformations
Małgorzata Rozbicka

9. Forgotten Modernism? The Influence of “Red Vienna” in Poznań in the 1920s
Hanna Grzeszczuk-Brendel

10. Modern City Centre: Evolution of the Idea of Gdynia’s “Premiere District” 1926-2007
Maria Jolanta Sołtysik

11. Modernism and the Timber Architecture of Interwar Poland
Małgorzata Rozbicka

12. Towards Modernity. The Operations of the Free City of Gdańsk’s Construction Office in 1927-1933
Ewa Barylewska-Szymańska, Wojciech Szymański

13. The Dramatic Beginnings of Modernism in Poland or Kraków’s Trouble with Ferroconcrete
Waldemar J. Affelt

14. Comparison of Art Déco and Modernism Illustrated by Churches in Białystok and Tulsa (USA)
Andrzej K. Olszewski

15. A New Canon of the Modernist Villa from the 1930s in Gdynia – a Villa with a Semicircular Veranda. The Post-War Continuation of the Idea
Maria Jolanta Sołtysik

16. Chełmek – small Zlín
Anna Syska

17. Modernists Town Houses Designed by Fryderyk Tadanier in Kraków
Beata Makowska

18. Postulates of the 1933 Athens Charter and the 1935 Vision of Toruń Urban Development
Bożena Zimnowoda-Krajewska

19. Cinemas in Riga in the Interwar Period – a Mirror Reflecting Modernism and Art Déco Architecture
Renāte Čaupale

20. Architect Wacław Tomaszewski (1884-1969). Architecture as Autobiography
Ewa Maria Wolańska

21. The crown completing the titanic work. Design for the Maritime Basilica in Gdynia
Marek Czapelski

22. Modernist Housing from the Late 1920s and Early 1930s in Sopot
Aleksandra Narczewska

23. The City of Le Havre – the Story of a Modernist Utopia
Elisabeth Chauvin

24. Between Modernism and Socialist Realism – the Case of Nowa Huta (1949-1956)
Aleksandra Sumorok

25. Cultural Changes and the Finnish Architectural Review 1967-76
Aino Niskanen

26. Partialy Realized Modernist Heritage of Vilnius
Liutauras Nekrošius

27. The Relations Between Architecture and Nature – Contribution of Modernist Architects
Stanisława Wehle-Strzelecka

28. MS Piłsudski – the Fitting and Interior Design of the Polish Transatlantic Ship from 1934 to 1939
Karolina Kosiacka


1. On the Conservation of Modernist Architectural Heritage
Maria J. Żychowska

2. Representation of a Modern City – the Case of Tel Aviv
Jeremie Hoffmann

3. Modernism in Switzerland: Approach to Modernist Buildings in Zurich
Werner Huber

4. The Bauhaus Buildings in Dessau
Monika Markgraf

5. Berlin Modernism Housing Estates – the Heritage of the 20th Century and the Gaps of the World Heritage List
Jörg Haspel

6. Interior Decor and Furnishings of Former Sanatorium in Trzebiechów by Henry van de Velde – Presentation of Research Results and Conservation Works in View to His Other Performances during the Weimar Period of His Work
Barbara Bielinis-Kopeć

7. Rehabilitation of the Architecture of the 20-40 Belt in the City of Amsterdam
Paul Lankamp

8. Bauhaus Building in Dessau: Introduction to the General Concept for the Improvement of Energy Efficiency in the Building, Incorporating Aspects of Monument Conservation
Monika Markgraf

9. Kharkiv Modernism after Modernism: Loss of Authenticity
Svitlana Smolenska

10. Latest Trends and Experience with Renovation of Modern Architecture Monuments in Slovakia
Veronika Kapišinská, Denis Haberland

11. The Legacy of the Brigade Ernst May in Magnitogorsk Today. An Excursion Report
Thomas Flierl

12. Restoration Project: ADGB Trade Union School, Bernau near Berlin, Germany
Ulrich Borgert

13. Conservation of Modernist Architecture in Poland. Practice in Recent Years
Jakub Lewicki

14. The Issues of Protecting Modernist Architecture in Łódź of the Second Republic of Poland
Joanna Olenderek, Maciej Olenderek

15. Research, Definitions, Evaluation and Reality, or Why the Leading Masterpieces of Modernism Were Lost in Poland
Jakub Lewicki

16. Gdynia City Centre as a Historical Monument
Robert Hirsch

17. Revalorisation of Modernist and Social Modernist Interiors in Gdynia
Anna Orchowska-Smolińska

18. Juliusz Żórawski’s Glass House in Warsaw – 73 Years Later
Andrzej K. Olszewski

19. Exterior Plasterwork in Gdynia’s Modernist Architecture and Its Preservation
Robert Hirsch

20. Modernist Architecture Faced with Contemporary Challenges in the Case of the Służewiec Horse Racecourse in Warsaw
Marcin Górski

21. The Enigma of Post-War Listing
Jeremy Gould

22. Post-War Monuments and Memorials of Berlin. The Shared Heritage of the Cold War in a Divided Metropolis
Jörg Haspel

23. Ennoblement or Deterioration of the Contemporary Cultural Achievements of Łódź in the 1960s
Joanna Olenderek

24. Architecture of the 1960s in Katowice. Examples, Creators, State of Preservation
Aneta Borowik

25. The Gdynia Railway Station Restoration Project
Anna Kriegseisen

26. The Monuments of Gdynia Post-War Construction Pace
Maciej Niedostatkiewicz, Leszek Niedostatkiewicz


  • ikonaOpublikowano: 02.03.2021 13:44
  • ikona

    Autor: Alina Limańska-Michalska, Wydział Ochrony Dziedzictwa (a.limanska-michalska@gdynia.pl)

  • ikonaZmodyfikowano: 05.03.2021 10:42
  • ikonaZmodyfikował: Paweł Jałoszewski